
Data-Driven Marketing

We hate to say we told you so! In our "2016 Marketing Tips & Trends" e-newsletter, we mentioned that maximizing the customer experience would be key to the success of your marketing campaign this year. As social media and review sites continue to grow in popularity that has never been more true.

The power of user-generated content will surpass self-promoted or "branded" content as consumers take to social media sites, review sites, blogs, and vlogs to generate the marvel that is minute-by-minute customer feedback. This shift is pushing many businesses to relinquish some of the branding responsibility to the customer and that’s a good thing.

The Experience

It’s all about the experience! Creating a lasting and positive impact on your customers and encouraging them to talk about it is one of the quickest ways to spread the word about the best parts of your business.

Regardless of your industry, your customers want genuine and positive interaction with you. Think of your marketing plan as collaboration between you and the consumer.

Here are some quick tips to get them talking:

  • You’ve been tagged. Respond, share, "like", and reward your customers for giving your brand a shout-out. Better yet, share their photo or post (with their permission) and make them the focus!
  • Google your name. We know, it’s scary, but this can be one of the best ways to see what people are saying about you or your business, give you an opportunity to interact with your customers and make connections, and allow you to make improvements and adjustments based on what you read.
  • Cultivate a hashtag. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all permit the use of hashtags to organize content. Create your own and encourage its use for minute-by-minute feedback.

Have questions? Give us a call at 231.946.7255 or send an email to info@flightpathcreative.com.

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