
A Taste of 2016's Marketing Tips & Trends

Video Advertising

Digital marketing trends for 2016 will continue to adjust to consumer habits, the consistent growth of mobile users, and the increasing technological capabilities of digital devices. Who’s the key player for the 2016 digital advertising year? Video, and we aren't just talking YouTube.

With the highest click through rate (CTR) of any digital advertising format, video ads are not only catching the eye of the consumer, but businesses and marketing agencies as well. Major search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) have been testing embedded auto-play video ads within the search engine results pages, Facebook has recently incorporated sponsored auto-play videos, with Twitter and Instagram following along. You can’t scroll through social media without spotting one.

Digital video ads are more expensive to implement than an average Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaign, but they consistently yield better results. As video advertising becomes the standard, the cost is expected to decrease as options for ad space and formats increase.

Consumer Experience

When it comes to consumer satisfaction, an authentic experience will be the reigning factor for 2016. Consumers have raised their expectations for the businesses in which they are choosing to spend their time and money. They want to know the "who" and the "why" behind the product or service and will do the research before making their choice.

Be sure your current and potential customers have the answers by integrating your traditional and digital marketing campaigns and keeping your brand consistent and cohesive at every touch point. Utilize social media, craft genuine website content (Content is king!), and ensure your customer service methods are thoughtful and efficient to successfully keep the attention of the 2016 consumer.

Most importantly, whether it’s your storefront, your website, or your packaging and collateral – keep it genuine and on message. If you aren’t taking advantage of any digital advertising – video or otherwise, it’s never too late to get on board. Have questions? Give us a call at 231.946.7255 or send an email to info@flightpathcreative.com.

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